Community Support

We have a growing sales community that goes out and takes action everyday. Together we help each other overcome the challenges we face everyday.

Free Training Videos

With over 32,000 walk-in cold calls Joe Cole share his insights via video answering your most important questions and sharing with you some of his experience he's learned along the way.

Live Events

The MCC Community has live events on a regular basis. We hold both training and educational type events to support our growing community around the world.


We know not everyone can make our live events so we do online webinars so you can join us no matter what part of the world you are in. Our webinars are education, instructional and informational in nature.

Corporate Training

Need to build a large sales force? or Meet your quarterly goals? Our corporate trainers work with your sales staff to help you achieve the goals for your company. Our program includes in-house classroom and situational learning as well as actual field work.

Sales Training

Sales is made up of small daily activities to ensure your success. It doesn't matter if you are a Sales Manager looking to build or improve your sales team or a Sales Person looking to make more commissions on your next check. This simple system will have you dominating your territory in a short amount of time.

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